Monday, December 31, 2007
Chilling in the Sun
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Rainy Season
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Moving On.....
Going for a spin
Originally uploaded by mark&june
Well, we've more or less reached the end of the Melbourne stage of our trip, and we'll be sad to move on. It's been great fun staying with Jo, Ole, Finn and Max and enjoying family life. I've been in my element, playing Star Wars video games, watching Star Wars movies, playing Star Wars Top Trumps and duelling with lightsabres. I feel like a 7 year old again!
We had a lovely weekend with June's cousin Tony. He lives in Abbotsford, which is a fairly central Melbourne suburb, and he introduced us to the real Melbourne - Vietnamese food, late night ice-creams, great architecture and walks by the Yarra River. He also took us to a lovely winery in the countryside and let us go for a spin in his very cool 1956 MG-TF open top car (above), which June was very relieved not to crash! June also really enjoyed taking Tony's beautiful dog Max for walks in the morning.
Although Melbourne isn't as spectacular a place as Sydney it feels more friendly and relaxed, and of all the places we've visited so far is the place we could most see ourselves living in. Fear not though, we've no plans to emigrate!
Tomorrow we head off on the Great Ocean Road towards the Steele's in Adelaide. If all goes well we should get there on Saturday, ready for Christmas barbies and ice cold beers. Put your foot down love.....
Friday, December 14, 2007
All Creatures Great And Small
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Taking a holiday from our holiday
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Moutains, Beaches, Cities and Mountains
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Bolt from the Blue Mountains
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Heading South
Monday, November 26, 2007
Guess who it is.....
None other than Mr David Beckham!
Originally uploaded by mark&june
I've had a pretty cool day today! This afternoon I went on the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, which was amazing and not at all scary (apart for the price tag).
After the climb as I wandered back through the city I came across a large crowd gathering outside Customs House. It soon became apparent that the throng had assembled to see Becks and his LA Galaxy team-mates attend a pre-match reception. A few celeb's came and went (check out my photos to see who) before the main event arrived to the screams of thousands of fans. Getting a photo was pretty tricky - this was the best one I managed. I tried to get a bit closer by climbing over a barrier but was forcefully removed by security!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
An Auspicious Weekend in Australia
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sleepless in Sydney
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Under the Sea
Friday, November 16, 2007
Birthday Blog
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chilling in Cairns
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Affairs of State
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Back from the Outback
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Top Enders
bit harder to come by when you're off the beaten track!
We've spent the last few days exploring the Top End of the Northern
Territory. So far we've been to Lichfield and the Katherine Gorge
National Parks. They are both really beautiful, containing lots of
wildlife (although no crocodiles so far) and more greenery than we expected. The best bit has been swimming in the pools and creeks dotted throughout the parks, which given that the temperature has reached 39 degrees has been a life saver! We also loved canoeing up the Katherine Gorge - even though it was our second canoe trip during a torrential downpour of our holiday!
The NT has a very different feel than WA. The tropical climate is a
big change, and Darwin is a lot smaller than Perth. There are also a
lot more Aboriginals up here. Most of them live a traditional life on
the land, but unfortunately the ones we see the most of are in the
cities, and lots of them seem to live rough and / or have drink
problems. We're going on a trip guided by an Aboriginal in Kakadu
tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to find out more about their
culture then.
That's it for now. We'll upload some photos when we get back to Darwin
on Thursday. Bye!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Northern Exposure
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Mark makes his ascent
Originally uploaded by mark&june
Here I am a few steps into my ascent of the Bicentennial tree. I exagerated in my earlier post - its only 75 metres tall!
I planned to climb all the way to the top, but as I got higher and higher my hands got sweatier and sweatier and my life started to flash before my eyes. I managed to get to the platform half-way up, but alas couldn't summon up the courage to make it all the way.
The scariest thing about it was that there was nothing to stop you falling with a crunch to the bottom if you lost your grip. In the UK you'd have to be attached to a safety rope, but Health & Safety obvioulsy hasn't taken hold in Oz yet. The tree was un-manned and there was nothing to break your fall other than the ground.....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Down a Bit, Left a Bit
Friday, October 19, 2007
Advance Australia Fair
We spent Tuesday exploring the centre of Perth - it's a really beautiful city beside a river, overlooked by the gorgeous Kings Park. The roads are a lot quieter than in Vietnam and Cambodia - so much so that we strolled across an empty road even though the lights were red. Unfortunately a car zoomed round the corner and the driver wound down his window and shouted "look at the lights you f**king idiot!" - we were warned that the Aussies were quite "direct"!
We're off to see some kangaroos and koala bears this arvo, then heading off for a week down to the south west in a hire car tomorrow.
OK better go now. Bye all!
Monday, October 15, 2007
A bumpy ride
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tomb Raiders
Monday, October 08, 2007
Sky on Fire
Kampot sunset
Originally uploaded by mark&june
This is a shot we took of the river at Kampot on Sunday night after visiting the Wat. The sky was amazing - it seemed to be on fire. And to make it even better, when we turned the other way there was a big rainbow!
Talking of things being on fire, according to June her massage was "apart from breaking my ankle, the most pain I've ever been in". It was Japanese Shiatsu massage, which sounds more like a martial art than a form of relaxation. Glad I gave it a miss.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Head in the Clouds
Thursday, October 04, 2007
A Hard Day
We both feel really down and drained after the day. We feel a mixture of horror, sadness, anger and confusion - how could these people have been so evil to their own countrymen? We need to do a bit more reading to try and get our heads around what went on....but at the same time we would like to put today behind us.
Cambodia is not what we expected. In some ways it seems better off than Vietnam - proportionally there are a lot more cars on the road, and the bars and restaurants for ex-pats are very westernised. At the same time there is more poverty here - lots of families sleeping on the streets, and quite a few beggars. It feels a bit like India in the way that there is such a gulf between the rich and the poor.
On Tuesday we saw the other side of Phnom Penh - beautiful palaces and interesting museums. Tomorrow morning we head off to Kampot, which is a sleepy town in the middle of a National Park.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hello from Phnom Penh!
The locals use the Mekong for pretty much everything - for fishing, washing their clothes, cleaning their teeth.....and going to the toilet. They obviously have a far stronger constitution than we do.
The trip went pretty well - I've even got sunburnt shoulders from a morning reading on the deck of the boat. The last leg of the journey was interesting though. We got dropped off from the boat about an hour away from Phnom Penh. There were 13 of us on the trip, and waiting to take us into the city was a mini-bus with 12 seats. This would have have been fine except we all had large rucksacks, and there was nowhere to store them other than on our laps. June and I ended up in the front seat alongside the driver, with June sat on my lap and naturally no seatbelt. There was a minor revolt as a couple of Germans refused to get on the mini-bus, but after it was explained that the alternative was a 5 hour walk, they begrudgingly gave in.
OK, we're off to explore Phnom Penh now. We're going to visit the beautiful temples and palaces today, before heading to the Killing Fields and museums remembering the reign of terror of the Khmer Rouge tomorrow....
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A message from Ms. Saigon
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tunnel Rat
Mark emerging from the Cu Chi tunnel
Originally uploaded by mark&june
The photo above is of me after having crawled through 100m of the Cu Chi tunnels, which were used by the Viet Cong during the war to hide from the Americans and launch surprise attacks.
The tunnels have been expanded a bit for tourists, but even so I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get through them. The best / worst bit about it was that it was pitch black inside, so you had to negotiate solely by touch. I really enjoyed it, but am glad I don't have to live and sleep down there for weeks on end as the VC did. Certainly one of the highlights of the trip so far.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
What's in a name?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Here Be Dragons
Thursday, September 20, 2007
On the road
Monday, September 17, 2007
A few photos from Sapa
This is us beside a river on one of our treks...
And this is June with a couple of the H'mong girls.
For more photos, check out our Flickr site (link on the right).
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Minority Report
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On our bikes
The weather has been interesting! Each morning it gets hotter and hotter until there is a monumental rain storm that lasts about 30 mins. We've been caught in it for the last 3 days, and are getting used to being drenched either with sweat or water.
Today we discovered yet another way of getting wet. On a bike ride on Cat Ba island our guide suggested we take the "low road" across the island. Little did we realise that because of the rain the low road was actually the "submerged road"! We cycled as best we could until the water started rising above knee level, and then had to resort to pushing our bikes through waist deep water (my waist, not June's!). It was a really funny experience, made even better by the fact that it started to p!ss down as soon as we came out of the water.....
What else to report? We're really enjoying the food and beer, although drinking snake wine today was an experience due to the presence of a (dead) snake at the bottom of the bottle. Tomorrow we head back to Hanoi and then on an overnight train to Sapa, which is a mountainous area inhabited by Hill Tribes.
June is coping admirably without hair-straighteners and we're both having a fantastic time, although had a brief home-sick moment yesterday.
We'll try to upload some more photos when we get the chance - the ones from the first 2 days in Hanoi are here :
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hot in Hanoi
After a jet-lag interrupted night's sleep we flew up to Hanoi this morning, and have had a quick wander through the hot, busy and colourful streets. Everyone seems really friendly and apparently beer is 10p a glass, so we should have a great time here!
The weather is very hot and sticky - luckily our hotel has AC. There seems to be free internet / wi-fi everywhere, so there'll be no escaping us!
Off to have a wander round ho Hoan Kiem lake now.....
Sunday, September 09, 2007
One night in Bangkok
June taking a dip in the rain!
Originally uploaded by mark&june
We're here! The flight went very smoothly and we've spent the evening relaxing in our hotel. A little taste of luxury before the hardships ahead!
Just off to have a Thai meal and then to bed before flying to Hanoi in the morning.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
And they're off!
So this is it. In 30 minutes we get picked up by Sally and head for Heathrow.
Today has been a bit stressful - lots to do and to pack. Once we head off we can start relaxing and looking forward to the excitement ahead.
As you can see from the photo, June managed to get everything in a backpack with no problems!
Hopefully we'll be able to post from Bangkok or Hanoi to let you know we've arrived safely.
Friday, August 31, 2007
The Last Day
Today was our last day at work.
Its hard to describe how I feel right now. There's a real mixture of emotions - sadness and loss, but also a real sense of excitement at what is to come.
The best thing about working at NU was definitely the people - we'll miss not seeing the good friends we've made every day. This video is a reminder of some of them....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Not long to go now!
We are fairly well organised but still have a long "To Do" list which we are slowly working our way through. Its amazing how much there is to do before you can head off round the world for 8 months.

In the middle of October we fly to Perth where we'll spend a couple of weeks exploring Western Australia and visiting June's aunt Jean. Then its on to Darwin, Cairns and Sydney, before driving round the "bottom right" of Australia, through Melbourne and Adelaide and then up through the outback to Uluru and Alice Springs. We're really looking forward to visiting friends and family in Melbourne and Adelaide, and spending Christmas with the Steeles!
In mid-Jan we fly on to New Zealand, and have a couple of months to expore the islands. We will probably get a camper van for much of the time. We've both wanted to go to NZ for a really long time - June because of the scenery, Mark because of Lord of the Rings!
The final leg of the tour through South America starts in Chile and ends in Rio two months later. We're not too sure what we want to do yet, although Patagonia and the Iguassu Falls are definitely on the list. The Argentinian steaks might be worth a try too!
The current plan is to arrive back home in mid May......
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The flights are booked!
We've gone for a Qantas / BA round the world ticket (surprisingly good value), and we're planning to visit Cambodia, Vietnam, Australia, NZ, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. We'll probably be away for about 8 months all told.
We still have loads of planning to do. All we know is when we are flying where. Now the hard work begins in trying to work out what we want to see, where we want to stay, how we want to get around etc. Its pretty exciting, but at the same time it's difficult to find the time to really do the research. Despite being almost redundant work is still pretty busy, but hopefully things will begin to ease up soon.
Really beginning to look forward to it now.....