Friday, December 14, 2007

All Creatures Great And Small

Evening all. Apologies for not being in touch for a few days - we're just back from a wonderful 3 day trip to Wilsons Promontary and Phillip Island.
Wilsons Prom is a stunning area of beaches, forests and mountains. We really loved it - it was so beautiful and peaceful, and definitely one of the highlights of the trip so far. There was also quite a bit of wildlife there - in fact after watching the sun set over the sea on Tuesday evening we very nearly crashed into a kangaroo! It was pretty dark and we only just spotted the 'roo on the side of the road before it bounced out in front of us - luckily we were going slow enough to avoid him, especially as we were in Jo & Ole's borrowed car!
A further encounter with Australian fauna occured at 6am the following morning, when a big white-tailed spider crawled across June's leg - needless to say it was the quickest June has sprung out of bed for quite a while!
The highlight of Phillip Island was the sunset arrival of hundreds of Little Penguins back to shore after a day's fishing at sea. They were very cute and waddled up pretty close to us. Despite the hundreds of Japanese tourists it was a lovely experience.
On the way back to Melbourne we spent the night with Vern and Shirley who are real characters and great fun. It was good to see them again after the funeral on Monday, which turned out to be a really special occasion.
OK, think thats it for now. We're heading off for a weekend in Melbourne tomorrow and staying with cousin Tony in the city.
PS I should warn you that a couple of the latest bunch of photos are a bit saucy - if you are easily offended or have a weak stomach it may be best to avoid them.....

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