Saturday, March 29, 2008

A prior engagement

Hello again! We´re in Argentina now, having come over the border on the bus from Pucon on Wednesday. It was a beautiful journey across the Andes, beside clear blue lakes and under towering volcanoes. We had brief stops in a couple of picture-perfect mountain villages complete with chocolate shops - you could almost believe we were in Switzerland.
We've spent the last couple of days in a lively town called Bariloche. Its in a gorgeous setting, and yesterday we went on a lovely boat trip around the lake, visiting a couple of islands. The scenery is quite reminiscent of New Zealand, which I guess isn't surprising given that NZ and South America used to be joined together in a super-contintent called Gondwanaland a few hundred million years ago. All those museums trips didn't go to waste after all!
We're staying in a nice hostel that overlooks the lake. On our first night here we were put in a pretty basic room with no view and a dodgy bathroom, but the next morning we upgraded to a lovely room with great views and a flat screen TV - 3 quid well spent! Last night we went out for our first Argentinian steak. I ordered half a fillet, which turned out to be a good idea as it was pretty huge (and needless to say delicious!).
Today we went on a great white-water rafting trip on the Manso River. The scenery was stunning and the rapids were pretty wild - June and I got thrown in at one point! The last time we went rafting we got engaged, but nothing so life-changing happened this time. We did cross the border back into Chile though, which is the first time we´ve crossed an international border in an inflatable!
We bought a CD with some photos of the rafting which we'll upload when we get a chance, but in the meantime we´ve added a few photos to the Argentina set.

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