Friday, April 18, 2008

Buenos Aires. Not!

Hi everyone. We've made it safely up to BA and have had a good couple of days so far exploring the city and relaxing in our apartment. Its really nice to have a flat where we can chill out and not worry about what time we get up! There was a bit of confusion when we arrived though - we thought that we could pay with plastic but they only took cash, so we had to run round the city at midnight looking for an ATM!
Buenos Aires is a nice city, full of lovely buildings and glamorous people. It has a very European feel to it - it could easily be Madrid or Rome. We've watched some tango and visited Evita's grave and have generally been wandering around and soaking up the atmosphere. The weather has been great and a very welcome change from the cold and snow of the last couple of weeks.
Today though we woke up to find the city shrouded in smoke! There have been a series of huge fires out in the farmland around the city and the whole place is really murky. The airports have been closed and visibility is poor, and the air smells funny and isn't great to breathe. We were going to watch a Boca Juniors football game tomorrow but may have to give that a miss if we're not going to be able to see the other end of the pitch! Ironically Buenos Aires means "fair winds" - we could do with some right now to blow all the smoke away.
We've uploaded some photos of the pre-smoky BA to the Argentina set.
Bye for now!

1 comment:

Carla said...

What happened with the ATM is normal. Always try to have cash with you in Argentina because they have not changed to credit cards yet. But you let all that go once you see how great and beautiful the city is. It looked like Rome or madrid to you because of the people. MOst citizens are European and that shows in language, culture and food. I got a Buenos Aires temporary rent in Palermo (a name of an Italian city that it is a neighbourhood in BA) and I loved it!